May 2024 ICANN Proceedings defending my use of the and domain names from the Military-industrial conglomerate Textron.
At issue was fair use of the "Beechcraft" trademark.

Original complaint:

Textron Innovations vs. Mike Brannigan

Complaint Annexes:

Annex 1
Annex 2
Annex 3
Annex 4
Annex 5

My response:

Mike Brannigan Response

Response Annexes:

Response Annex 1
Response Annex 2
Response Annex 3
Response Annex 4
Response Annex 5
Response Annex 6

ICANN panelist ruling:

Decision in my favor, including an additional finding of attempted RDNH (Reverse Domain Name Hijacking) against Textron, a significant rebuke.